Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 1-Forum

Week 1-Forum

Q Find a company that has been in the news recently. One site to consider for your search is (There also are many you can find with a simple Google or Bing search.) Using the material that you read in Appendix B of "The business guide to legal literacy: what every manager should know about the law," (part of Lessons, Required Reading), write a minimum 275 word response where you clearly identify and discuss at least two legal topics from Appendix B that apply to the company you found. Clearly list and define each legal topic that you are discussing, i.e. contracts, product liability, etc. Incorporate the material from the Lessons and Required Readings along with your own scholarly outside research. The link to the chapter is located in the Lessons section of the course. Please review the grading rubric that is posted in the Gradebook section. Please do not use attachments in the forums.

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The company that is being chosen is Amazon; Further, the two legal topics that I would like to discuss are: ? Labour violations in China; ? Blast for delivering goods that actually helps in uplifting white supremacy. There had been a watchdog team that, was contending that working staffs from the organization that is manufacturing Amazon products are under the condition that significantly undermine China’s labour law.